Jeremy Stoker, Physical Therapist

Jeremy Stoker, PT, DPT, OCS

Clinic Director, Physical Therapist, Board Certified Orthopedic Specialist

Jeremy’s passion lies in movement. He loves anatomy and physiology and using his knowledge of both to expand and enhance movement for his patients. As someone who enjoys moving and being active himself, Jeremy gets excited when he is able to help others be the kind of “active” they want to be. He is a certified USA track and field coach and tries to use that knowledge when helping patients of all ages.

Jeremy is a board certified orthopedic specialist, and uses his skills and knowledge to help people get better faster. He loves helping others get past pain and incorporate the ability to move back into their life. Jeremy prides himself on focusing on full wellness and health, instead of just injuries. Jeremy has run multiple marathons and enjoys being active in any way possible.

When he is not in the clinic, Jeremy is most likely with his awesome family of three kids and beautiful wife. Schedule an appointment today to have Jeremy help you achieve your goals.
