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Embrace the Power of Direct Access to Physical Therapy

In a world where instant gratification and quick fixes have become the norm, ...

The Role of Sleep in Physical Therapy

In our fast-paced and demanding lives, sleep often takes a backseat as we ...

The 90/90/90 Rule for Good Posture

Maintaining good posture while working at a desk is crucial for preventing common ...
Lumbar Spine

Managing Degenerative Lumbar Spine

Living with a degenerative lumbar spine condition can be challenging, but there are ...

Physical Therapy for Mental Health

Physical therapy is often associated with treating physical injuries, disabilities, and conditions. However, ...
Physical therapist helping women with her bladder issues

Physical Therapy for Bladder Urgency Issues

Bladder urgency issues can be a frustrating and uncomfortable problem for many people. ...
Woman playing tennis in the spring

Spring Sports for Health and Fitness

Spring is here, and it’s time to renew your physical activity by participating ...
Pregnant women receiving physical therapy

Pre and Post Pregnancy Physical Therapy

Pregnancy is a transformative time in a woman’s life. While the process of ...

The Top 10 Benefits of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a highly effective treatment option for individuals who suffer from ...